We are an organization representing the unflinching and unyielding instincts of mothers to nurture and support the well-being of our children unconditionally, hence our motto: empowering our youths today to be leaders of tomorrow.
Enable a platform for interaction, engagement, networking, and community building for our youths.
Ultimately our youths will be able to build innovative infrastructures that will benefit them individually and collectively while aiding those who are disadvantaged in America, Nigeria, Africa, and throughout the diaspora.
In partnership, NAMYA on-line community will foster meaningful and useful engagements including:
- Workshops and semi-conferences
- Networking opportunities
- Access to knowledge base of their peers and other accomplished members of the society – in Nigeria and the Diaspora
- Developing a greater sense of responsibility and embracing the spirit of philanthropy
As families grappled with feelings of emptiness and disconnect that many of their children were expressing upon attending family functions designed to perpetuate fun and excitement, mothers decided to remedy the situation.
On July 25, 2010, 18 mothers responded to a call for action – founding the Nigerian American Mothers for Youth Advancement (NAMYA), dedicated to enriching the life experiences of their children (18-35 years old) and reconnecting them to their culture. They envisioned the mission of the organization to encompass everything that fostered their children’s sense of self, instilled pride in their dual identities as Nigerians and Americans, and enabled them to form a youth driven community with those of similar experiences.
During this first meeting, the excitement was euphoric, as they went to work immediately without formalities, and started planning the first event for the youths. This successful event marked the mother’s declaration to their children that they were there for them, and in partnership, they would make a difference. Punctuated by the pandemic, NAMYA has since sponsored yearly end of year social events for the youths; NAMYA has achieved success in building a solid framework to enable the execution of more substantive undertakings.
Feedback about the event from the youths in response to the question – “What are your thoughts about forming a Tri-State Young Nigerian American Association?” echoed their sentiments as summed up by one of the youths in the following statement, “Honestly, at first, I was skeptical and apprehensive to the idea and reasoning behind the formation of such. However, after attending this event, I am convinced beyond doubt that this type of association will benefit the Nigerian-American youth in this tri-state area.” Furthermore, “there is an interest in forming this organization, and this past event proved that the youths are ready to participate as long as events are made in an orderly fashion, and upheld with integrity and overall concern for us youth.”
On February 7, 2011, NAMYA was incorporated as a non-profit organization and achieved its tax-exempt status under section
501© (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
By 2018, NAMYA has proven to be successful at building a solid framework and enabling the execution of more substantive initiatives. Among NAMYA’s accomplishments, is a yearly fundraising event, a Mother’s Day Dinner Dance & Gala night, which has become the source of our funding for our youth organization. These events are always meticulously planned and well attended, garnering a reputation of distinction. Under NAMYA’s guidance, the youths have formed their organization, “NAYA” (Nigerian American Young Adults) consistent with NAMYA’S ultimate goals for the youths, their own independent organization. NAMYA has worked in partnership with NAYA to sponsor a yearly, holiday, social event for the youths and interjected summer picnics.
NAMYA is governed by a Chairlady, the Executives, its Members, and a Board of Trustees. NAMYA’s daily functioning is guided by their Bylaws and Constitution in which all decisions are voted upon and yield to the majority. The use of standing committees has enabled NAMYA to ensure utmost attention to topics of interest as well as fostered members involvement and participation. A strong Board of Trustee presence ensures that every member is respected and would revere to the constitution. The Board oversees, guides, and ensures compliance with the Bylaws and Constitution.
Overall, the consensus has always been that the organization needs to maintain a very high standard of quality, as it will define everything we do. Setting a great example for our youths and the community is key, so conducting ourselves with respect, dignity, and integrity is paramount. Harmony is and has always been a priority.
Fast forward to 2022, both NAMYA and NAYA have experienced numerous changes, including age progression, accomplishment of the youths along with the impact of the pandemic on members as well
Fulfilling our mission requires integrating the needs of mothers and those of our youths.
To provide the foundation for the youths:
- NAMYA recognizes that they need to incorporate programs that address the needs of mothers and youths.
- Programs are geared towards strengthening the emotional, spiritual, and social well-being of mothers.
- For our youths and young adults, we recognize that a hybrid platform will be most amenable to accomplish our mission.
We will organize activities under a NAYA hybrid. This would allow for flexibility and encourage participation of our youths and young adults both virtually and face-to-face.
For more information, please contact us now.